possible to have more info at psummary?

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possible to have more info at psummary?

Post by beer »

At http://fah-web.stanford.edu/psummary.html it is possible to see an overview over different project. I am wondering if it will possible to add: "Number of total WU", "assigned WU " and "completed WU" so we mortals folders can fellow the folding progress of each project
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Re: possible to have more info at psummary?

Post by alanazar »

I second this idea, it would really help us stay motivated by tracking the progress with you
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Re: possible to have more info at psummary?

Post by bruce »

"Number of total WU" and ""assigned WUs" are meaningless numbers.

"Number of trajectories assigned" would be a meaningful piece of information. That's the maximum number of WUs that can be assigned at any one time. Each trajectory starts with a Gen:0 WU which, when successfully returned, creates Gen:(N+1) until sufficient data is obtained. It's rare that anybody knows a maximum Gen number. The project is finished whenever a trajectory has gone far enough to be called "finished"

"Completed WU" would be related to "Number of trajectories" by "Average Current Gen number" except in cases where a WU was reassigned due to the timeout and then completed more than once.

10000 teams of runners start off on a relay race. The race is over a new course that includes a maze of twisty little passages :wink: and none of the runners have competed in this sort of race before. At what time will 9500 of them have finished? (And what happens if more than 500 drop out without completing their segment of the race?)
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Re: possible to have more info at psummary?

Post by MtM »

How about not removing finished projects, but making viewing them optional ( eg not the default option )? That would be inspirational as seeing things which have been done motivate towards the future, certainly if it was possible to see the projects with links to any research paper based on ( partly? ) that project's result! I would like that, it's a lot easier then going through the results page and finding links to projects :)
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Re: possible to have more info at psummary?

Post by beer »

tanks for the info.
As far as I read you post it is impossible to estimate how far a project is, whitch make 1 of thear idear pointless. I still think "Completed WU" (those who are valid) could be shown. Then I can see how large my contribution is to a whole project

I like you idear that proejct and research paper are linked totheter
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Re: possible to have more info at psummary?

Post by Jesse_V »

AFAIK the only project that is fully downloadable from start to finish is the record-breaking one that was simulated for 1.5 milliseconds. Completed WUs is a good idea I think, that's a very flexible number and shouldn't be too difficult to implement. The server would simply increment that projects number whenever a WU was properly completed.
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