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Finish and shutdown

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 6:36 pm
by PaulTV
It may be a nice function for an upcoming version of the client: finish running WUs and shutdown the computer. But since it doesn't exist, I made a little Python script myself. This one runs on Windows, but it should be pretty trivial to make it run on Linux, or make it portable. I may do the latter myself, and change the code here, eventually :)

Code: Select all

import telnetlib
import sys
import re
import json
import time
import subprocess

tn = telnetlib.Telnet('', 36330)
tn.read_until(b'> ')

slotinfo = tn.read_until(b'> ').decode('ascii').strip()
slotinfo = slotinfo.replace('\n', '').replace(' False', ' 0').replace(' True', ' 1')
m = re.fullmatch('PyON \d+ slots.*?(\[.*\]).*--->', slotinfo)
slotinfo = json.loads( if m else []
for slot in slotinfo:
    if slot['status'] != 'PAUSED':
        print(f'Finish slot {slot["id"]}')
        tn.write(f'finish {slot["id"]}\n'.encode('ascii'))
        tn.read_until(b'> ')

while True:
    queueinfo = tn.read_until(b'> ').decode('ascii').strip()
    queueinfo = queueinfo.replace('\n', '').replace(' False', ' 0').replace(' True', ' 1')
    m = re.fullmatch('PyON \d+ units.*?(\[.*\]).*--->', queueinfo)
    queueinfo = json.loads( if m else []
    if not queueinfo:
        print('No more entries in queue, shutting down')
        subprocess.Popen(['shutdown', '/s', '/t', '0', '/c', 'FAH jobs finished']).communicate()
    print(f'Waiting for {len(queueinfo)} job(s) to finish')
Edit: it's now changed to finish all slots that aren't paused. A paused slot may stay paused after a reboot (depending on the reason why it's paused), so that's why the script does not mess with that.

For those who want to run this script on Windows: you'll need Python (obviously):